Sunday, September 7, 2008

Some quick thoughts...

So, now that I've been in SC for over 6 months, I thought I'd post a few of my observations. To any locals that may accidentally be reading my blog, I apologize. I mean no offense. Just observing, coming from the Midwest!

Boy, they love their football. The first two questions you're faced with when you move to sc..."Where do you go to church?" Luckily, I have an answer for that one! "Are you a Clemson or USC fan?" I usually just pick a side and make fun of the other to see who I can make mad, cause I just don't really care.

Then, the third most asked question is "where are you from?" I answer "Peoria, Illinois" Which is invariably followed by "Illinoise, huh? Oh, I knew someone from Iowa once! Did you know him /her?"

Another thing that I've noticed is that no one can spell worth a darn! You notice a word here and there, even in a professional environment. Entrants instead of entrance, for example, and apostrophes are everywhere! They treat them as little footballs. If there is more than one of something, it has an apostrophe. Those thing's get annoying. There should be an apostrophe tax.

On a completely different topic, I got the funniest responses ever to my request for some time off one afternoon. I sent an email to Dennis: "May I please take a late, long lunch on Monday the 8th? My quartet is going to perform for some sweet kids at a local grade school. It will take 2-3 hours and will change their lives forever." His immediate response: "Tell them to get a job. Nobody cares." Wow. Now you know what I have to put up with everyday.

I got the funniest quote from John, the baritone in our quartet. We were practicing one night and I heard him say: "You can have a good time as long as you have a good time in the right key." How true, how true. Words to live by.

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