Sunday, September 14, 2008

30 Days Hath September

Hey ya'll, I'm here. Sorry I'm late. I hit some traffic on 385, but I made it! The weekend has been pretty uneventful. We have most of the guest bedroom painted (pictures to come) and enjoyed a nice dinner at Moe's yesterday (steak burrito...mmmm). I did have to spend some time at work this morning, but it was brief. Erin and I walked to Home Depot today and by the time we got home, I was beat. So, I am procrastinating the house cleanin' by blogging. You should try it sometime, it's very theraputic.
We'll begin our journey with an updated photo from the hotel construction from next door to City Hall. Can you believe that this thing went up in one week?
Now, look at this photo. It is INDOORS. It's a frackin' hotel! The Hyatt, to be precise. I had to replace a printer for the city's parking garage computer. And they're very polite, too. So, next time I want to stay in a nice hotel in Greenville, and I have $200 to blow, I will have a tough decision to make between the Poinsett and Hyatt. Decisions, decisions.

Now, how about this? I recently celebrated my 5th anniversary with ATS and I came home to find a box with a new Bulova watch with my name engraved on the back. Not if I only wore a watch.

Try this out for size, one of our famous Italian Beef sandwiches. Heck yes.

I've been craving bonesless wings (and grieving the lack of a local B-Dubs) so Erin and I tried the WingZone in Mauldin. It is a wing delivery place, which happens to have a couple chairs for those with no friends or parties to go to. We pulled up a table and ordered in. I had some super hot wings and Erin had a chicken sandwich.

Both meals were incredibally good. In fact, I completely forgot to take a picture. So, here is the empty tray after I finished my plate.

I was luckly enough to meet some presidential candidates at the mall. I asked them to sit with us and chat, but they declined. They's probably just get their words mixed up and take everything the wrong way anyway.

I didn't have the heart to tell them that I wasn't selecting them on my ballot in November. There's only one candidate that can truly improve my life and that man is Jimmy John.

Less than a month until my Parents come to visit! We are so excited!!! Then a few weeks later, Erin's family starts to show up in droves. We'll be ready for all ya'll. Speaking of driving, did you know that SC leads the country in low gas prices most of the year and then leads the country in price gouging whenever a Hurricane hits the area? Yippee! It only jumped up $1 overnight. No big deal. On a different note, Erin and I got the opportunity to hang out with people our age (young adults, thank you very much). We had a great dinner party with some folks from our church. It felt good to socialize and not feel so lame. They'll probably never invite us again, but we can say we did it once. Have a great week everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jimmy John's is the mac daddy!

You got to hang out w/ people your own age?! Congrats! I would love that...not that the people at St. John's are lame, but it can be a drag being at least 30-40 years younger than everyone else all the time!