Monday, September 1, 2008

In Soviet Russia, Great Weekend have YOU!

Welcome to part B of our Super-Sized Labor Day Extravaganza! (I had too many interesting things to talk about to include on one blog posting..I didn't want to blow your mind) We started our awesome long weekend by visiting Trio, a downtown Italian grill.
The interior was beautiful....lots of wood and art.
We had a nice view of Main Street from our table.
Here's Erin, looking all great like usual.
I ordered a Broccoli and Chicken Calzone. It was pretty good and a step away from my typical desire for a more pizza-y calzone.
Afterward, Erin stopped by her favorite fancy froofroo tea place down by the river.
I guess it's fancy because they put little balls of tapioca in the tea. (really? W)
I was intrigued, however, by the fancy little cup lid putter-onner that they have. It actually creates a water tight seal on the top of the cup.
For a little while, we sat at Falls Park and talked about this old tree. Did it grow out of the long has it been there, etc?
Here's a crappy picture of Falls Park from below.
My quartet, Three Day Weekend, had our first public performance on an informal Friday Night stage at the park. We sang about 4 songs and it went pretty well! This was another group singing before us.
Well, it's the weekend, and we all know what that means. More painting! This time, we got out the big guns. 5 Gallons, baby. We're going to do the living and we'll need lots of paint.
Here's Erin doin' her thang trimming the ceiling. (I prefer to's like mowing a lawn. Does that sound weird?)
Heres one view of the livingroom all done.
Here's all of our colors together at long last.

We bought a few new light fixtures for the house (the OEM components were awful). Here's our new foyer light.

Here's our new laundry/hallway light.

And finally...drumroll......the new dining room chandelier! This one was a tough had to be silver and white, contemporary and not too expensive. We're very happy with out choice. And it's the second thing I've bought from Home Depot that I will not be returning.

Remember that patio furniture debacle from a couple weeks ago? I freecycled the old furniture and set up the new stuff. What a difference. We are so much more likely to sit outside now.

Thanks for hanging out with me on this Labor Day! Hope all ya'll have a great and safe Holiday. "I'll be back soon." You can quote me on that.

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