Monday, September 1, 2008

Get back to work!

In the first of our two part Labor Day extravaganza: Some court-permissable evidence that I'm not always actually "working" at work. In this particular instance, Dennis mugged our boss for some ice cream money Can you believe it actually worked? Dennis didn't want to be incriminated, so he was trying to protect his identity. Sorry, dude, the Big Yellow's out of the bag! (we're not allowed to say "Cat" at work anymore)
At Spill the Beans (the ice cream place on the west end), they have these giant drills that mix together the ingredients. Do you remember the giant drill Dr. Evil used? Kinda reminds me of that.

This picture made me chuckle. Do you really think that boy is thinking about ice cream?
Here's mine. I should have specified that I did not wish my brownies to be mixed into a fine powder by the giant drill, but it tasted good anyway.

By the time I got back to my desk, it was all gone.

This is my sad face after running out of ice cream.
Thought you might like a construction update from the hotel next door. They erected a crane. *insert Beavis and Butthead laugh here*

They actually have a big portion of the foundation done now!

This made me the title of the article and note the invading yellow home sticker.

Stay tuned for an all-new, super-sized Lost in Greenville Labor Day special. Right after these messages! (no messages, just give me a few minutes to type and upload pictures)

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