Friday, September 26, 2008

Holy Schnike....we're out of gas!

Due to some bad storms in the SE area (something called a hurricane) and some unnecessary panic, there is no gas in my town tonight. Good thing Erin and I have plenty of gas in our cars! (and good thing we can walk to Moe's)

Ya know what will make everyone feel better? Chocolate cake with multiple layers of chocolate fudge icing. (from Publix) I had a little tiny piece Thursday morning (it's always 5:00 somewhere) and man it was a little too much. And that, my friends, is a lot coming from me.

You know what else will help? Playing with Dennis's new ipod touch. It's like iPhone Light. He's been liking the iTunes Remote Control feature. I like how thin it was. The screen is glass, so I had an easy time wiping off my drool.
Do you know what?? The Quizno's in downtown Greenville has meatball subs! The Quizno's in Ellinoise stopped making those in 2007. They only make 'em on white bread, and I like mine on subrolls. Oh well, I'm not going to complain.

I know we had Bellacino's back in Peoria, but I had never been there. At work, we've been eating a lot of pizza from this Slice of Heaven and I am now hooked. Luckily, there is another location right by our house.

Mmmmm Parmasean Sticks. When I asked the cashier if they were like breadsticks, she twirled her hair and said " are made with pizza crust....?" and looked at me like I was from Mars. Not Mars, just Ellinoise. Josh: 1, Simpsonville Schools: 0

99.99% as good as Godfather's. ALMOST but the closest yet. When you come and visit us, this is what you have to look forward to.

We hung some new art on our brown wall.

To add art and decorations to our house without spending much money, Erin started creating art in our garage today. You can see her first work of art at the bottom of the screen. I see cinnamon rolls. Mmmmm Cinnabon...I haven't had one of those in years! Ok, back on topic.

At work, we lost some office space as part of a new training room project. This new room used to be two offices. Here is a semi final product:
A couple weeks ago, our quartet sang at a local junior high. We got the opportunity to sing for some 6th and 7th graders. Also, we had the opportunity to teach them about Barbershop singing and how you can be really cool while doing it. OK, seriously though, many of those kids are under the impression that they cannot continue to be involved in music without committing their lives to it.

Finally, I got a new phone at work. They call these things Crackberries for a reason. (They have nothing to do with poo) They are addictive as H-E-hockeystick-hockeystick. My old Sprint Treo never had reception and was slow and awkward. This new magical thing keeps 100% battery all day, always has multiple Verizon bars and I can do everything much faster. I love it! It's a shame that I am dumping Verizon because most of their consumer phones suck ass and I'm getting an iPhone. (I would SO get a Google Android phone if T-Mobile and Sprint didn't suck so much too)

At the Friday Morning Meeting at the ATS SE office, we had the opportunity to participate in a demonstration aimed towards kids. We made an assembly line of tinkertoys and I was a "technician" who fixed problems to avoid downtime.

This was our final product. We should be very proud of our new product. Too bad the whole project was for waste, cause everything is going to be made in China anyway, so the kids won't even have job opportunities, but it is a nice distraction in their otherwise boring day of not caring about learning. End rant.

Erin and I have been furniture shopping lately, and ran across this funny contradiction. Can you spot it? Hint: The store employees have been naughty.

Erin and were walking up Main street in GVegas and spotted Herby the Love Bug driving North.
Right now, I'm blogging, watching the Pres. Debate online, and feeling guilty about the Venti Mocha Frap I just downed. It costs more than I spend on an entire meal at the Golden Arches. (and it leaves my breath smelling like poo) I need to brush my teeth. Peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been to Bellacino's a gazillion times and never tried their pizza. I will have to give it a try now. - Jason