Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving in Greenville, Second Edition!

Hello everyone out in radio land! Welcome back to the coolest blog in my subdivision. I've been busy-busy gathering up some cool pictures and stories to share over the last few weeks. There's been a lot going on and I finally have some time and motivation to sit down and finish this post. (Thank goodness for long Thanksgiving weekends!) We got the Christmas decorations out on Friday and are pleased to announe that the new house has been Christmas-tised for for the first time. Erin found Sam's Christmas collar, and in spite of my protests, made him wear it. For his dignity, I insisted that it be removed after the photo was taken. Good sport.

I had to change up my outdoor decorations this year; all of our white lights are in the bushes and in the garland. That garland used to be hung in our old livingroom, but I'm NOT putting all of those holes in the walls again, so I decided to hang it all outside this year.

Erin's Christmas village has really grown, it's got a fancy new home near the kitchen counter. I rigged up a hidden switch that turns it all on and off like that! *click* 

We had an interesting Thanksgiving this year! It was the first time that we either weren't in IL with family or had family visiting, so we decided to host a dinner at church for others who also may need some company. There were about 10 people there and we cooked a 20lb turkey, plus everyone brought the other traditional components of a good Thanksgiving meal. Needless to say, we had a good time and had more than enough to eat.

I've had the opportunity to get out on the motorcycle this fall and grab some good shots with my new camera. I like the following so much, I'm thinking about making it part of a custom banner for my blog. This is Falls Park around November 1st.

A couple weeks ago, I took the fizzer up to Caesar's Head and rode up the mountain for the first time. It was a great learning experience for me, and I also had the opportunity to snap some beautiful pics along the way.

At the top, I pulled into the park and took some time to enjoy the views of Table Rock and the foothills.

It was a beautiful day, sunny about 65 degrees.

This would be a great view to wake up to every morning!

The sky was very hazy (it was nearing sunset, too) but you can see why I like to come up here so much!

 I haven't been on the motorcycle as much this past week because I've been playing on my new Wii! My parents bought us a Wii as an early Christmas gift and I'm so glad they did. It's so much fun. It might not be cutting edge visually, but the ability to get so involved in the gameplay is beyond fun for a couple of video game newbs like us. Thanks Mom and Dad!!!

Here's Erin, configuring her Mii. It's funny to see our characters on screen look so accurate.

I saw this outside the mall one day; It made me want to snap a picture and submit it to

Last month, Erin and I and a couple friends from church attended a special presentation on piano history at the local Steinway dealer in Spartanburg. It was neat for me, because I wanted to learn more about the topic. Erin probably learned more about this stuff in college than I did, being I was a computer-major nerd and not a music-major geek.

There were at least 15 antique pianos on display, some of which were 200 years old. This was my favorite:

We were treated to a ragtime concert after the presentation. I never would have considered ragtime to be my favorite genre, but after hearing it live for the first time in my life, I have to say I really enjoyed it.

I did some major upgrades for my home computers recently. I maxed out the processor in my Dell Dimension 9150 (Pentium D, 960) I then took my Pentium D 830 and installed in my HTPC. Since the newer chip was hotter that the old celeron that powered our HTPC, I swapped out the heatsinks. Here, you can see the stock intel cooler, compared to the new Scypthe Scepter, which is not only much better, but quieter too.  

To help with the airflow in the cabinet, I sealed off the HTPC compartments and installed a couple USB powered fans to draw cool air through the cabinet. So far, it has worked like a charm!!

While doing some shoe shopping in the mall, I spotted these winners. I don't care how much better they may make my workout, I'd rather kill myself.

A friend of mine from work, who is also a Peoria native, ordered some Kitchen Cooked potato chips online and thoughtfully gave me a bag. It was a nice taste of home. Thanks!

Erin and i tried a new pizza place a couple weeks ago. This is a newer place in Simpsonville: Tony's. Not to be confused with Anthony's, which I reviewed last year and was not impressed with.

Their menu system was was scrawled on the wall!

I ordered some cheese sticks and you can imagine my surprise when they brought out something that resembles a friggin' pizza! I should have just ordered these instead of a pizza. They were excellent, though.

The pizza was very good, I have to say. I liked everything about it! It's not as tasty as Bellacino's, but it comes in a close 2nd! We definitely will come back in the future.

After dinner, we stopped over at the Downtown Coffe shop in Mauldin and enjoyed some live folk music.

Last week, I tried a new Chinese restaurant in Mauldin, called.... China. Wow, original name! The interior looked like...spoiler every other Chinese restaurant you've EVER BEEN TO IN YOUR LIFE.

Chinese restaurants get a dual tiered review: crab rangoons and General Tso's chicken. Let's try the rangoons first. They were really good!

The General Tso's chicken was pretty good, but not good enough to have again. A good G.T.C. plate has crispy chicken, some spice, and a sweet, sticky glaze. This, like Lin Garden, was kind of cold, soggy, and definitely not spicy. And what's with the giant onions? It was the first time I'd seen it served that way, so I never thought to ask for the omission of the onions! My search for the perfect Chinese place continues!

Just to give you an idea of what else is going on in my life: The first 2010 Alliance Drum & Bugle Corps practice is next weekend! We hope to see a full corps there, and we'll get more information about the 2010 show, uniforms, and more. I have my audition materials ready and I'm plumped. Not only am I excited, but I've gained a little weight since DCA finals, hence the plumped part.  With any luck, I won't be the oldest member of the hornline. When most of the instructional stuff is younger than me, that might be a challenge. The real challenge is keeping my body in corps shape... I'll do better this year, I promise. Just no more chocolate truffles, Erin, organic or not!!

My quartet is still singing, and we've been hard at work for contest, which is coming up in Greenville in March. I'm singing the lead part now, which I do enjoy more than Tenor. Erin and I are coming back to Illinois a couple days after Christmas, so look out for us. We'll have some time to sit down with friends and family and share some more of our adventures. Hope you enjoyed my pictures, here's wishing you a terrific CHRISTMAS season!!! 

Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Tasty Experiment

Who's got the best Big Mac?

I was watching television one evening when I saw a commercial for a McDonald's Big Mac. Then I saw a commercial for a Hardee's burger named a Big Hardee. Hmmmm, that's interesting. It looks a lot like a Big Mac. If that wasn't weird enough, Jack in the Box aired a commercial for their Bonus Jack, which also looked a lot like a Big Mac. They're all definitely trying to copy made me a little curious. Being an unapologetic Big Mac lover, I decided the best way to settle this issue would be to try them all and blog about it! So, follow me on my search for the best, biggest, mac-iest Big Mac.

My first stop was to Hardee's. Their Big Hardee sandwich was advertised as a large, messy sandwich that bounced around when thrown on the table...It looked very tasty and it appeared that they may have improved on the sandwich design by replacing a piece of bun with an additional patty.

Let's get the nutrition mumbo jumbo out of the way!
Calories: 730
Fat: 51g

It appears to be quite a big sandwich! I wondered if I could even eat the entire meal... The service at Hardee's was pretty good. I placed the order with a friendly cashier who also delivered my lunch to my table when it was ready. My concerns about the size quickly vanished when my food arrived at my table. From first impressions, it looked like a tiny single cheesburger.

Not promising! The "secret sauce" competitor was barely added. The patties tasted burnt and overpowered everything. Those three tiny patties were stacked haphazardly, and after I reassembled the burger, it still was tiny. The meal cost me $4.95 with tax, but failed to impress me.

The next burger I tried was at Jack in the Box. The Bonus Jack looked more like a traditional Big Mac. The last time I visited JITB, I was less than impressed. The food and service were not very good, but I was willing to give this another try in the name of blogging.

Calories: 540
Fat: 33g

Other than the squashed appearance, the sandwich was larger than the Big Hardee. It was very tasty! There was plenty of Jack's special sauce and it tasted more like a traditional Mac. The service was pretty intense, with a personal visit to my table to ask about the sandwich, but it was refreshing. I liked this visit a lot! After tax, it cost me $4.84.

I couldn't blog about fake Big Macs without including the original. I've enjoyed a "#1" before there was such a thing as an Extra Value Meal. In fact, I fondly remember riding my bicycle up to Mickey D's as a kid for a summer lunch, with an awesome Batman Returns cup. So are my memories biased or is this still the best option?

The McDonald's by our house has phenomenal service. The staff are always polite, professional and the quality is always top notch. I ordered up a #1 and sat down to take a closer look.

Calories: 540
Fat: 29g

The Big Mac was the only contender not squashed and held itself together very neatly. It was the tallest of the three and had the best amount of ingredients. Taste was excellent and you can't beat those fries, either! In a twisted way, it was the healthiest burger out of the three... but that isn't saying much of anything. After tax: $5.82.

Well, here's the final verdict. Who has the best Big Mac? McDonald's! They've had years to work on this thing, and while it hasn't changed much, it is a pretty solid formula. Plus, I still prefer their french fries. Runner up? Jack in the Box. Go out and enjoy, wait. I can't really recommend anyone eats a meal this unhealthy, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do: wink, wink.